Hidden chat with Whonix and socat

Back in 2013 I wrote about using socat with Tor to setup a Hidden Service chat. It was pretty simple to setup and I wanted to see how much harder it would be to do with Whonix, since the Gateway handles Tor and the Workstation should run socat. Ends up it isn’t hard at all. On the Gateway you need to edit /usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf (as root) and add a Hidden Service to it:
Running Whonix using QEMU as a user

Running Whonix using QEMU as a user

Whonix has released version of their XFCE KVM build. Whonix is a Debian based operating system that routes all network traffic through the Tor network. It is included as part of Qubes OS or you can run disk images using your favorite virtualization solution. Their KVM release includes xml files for importing into libvirt, but sometimes that’s a bit too heavy of a solution and you want something simple where you don’t need to be root to set it up or run it.

Using OpenVPN on an iPhone

You are being tracked. It is now no secret that on every level your cellphone is being used to compromise your privacy. Not only are the cellphone providers injecting tracking headers they have been selling off your location data to 3rd parties with lousy website security. We have no way to know how much of this data was archived, or who may have access to it. There is no way to ensure that it is all deleted.
Converting DICOM xray images to JPEG

Converting DICOM xray images to JPEG

I recently needed to convert a CD of xrays into jpeg images, and it wasn’t immediately obvious how to do this. The files on the CD were in DICOM format, which appears to be a commonly used format in the medical community that includes the image and extra metadata about the patient. I first used the aeskulap viewer which worked fine for viewing, but has no options (that I could find) for exporting them to regular jpeg images.

Signing Webpages with GnuPG

Inspired by this old post from Rob Smith I have started making some changes to the blog. All of the pages are now signed using my GPG key, and can be verified by running curl https://www.brianlane.com/ | gpg --verify on the page. Rob did this by adding a plugin to Jekyll, but I’m using the Pelican static blog system for these pages, and as far as I can tell Pelican’s plugin support has no way to make sure your plugin is the final one being executed.

Transitioning to a New GPG Key

I am transitioning to a new GnuPG key, here is my transition statement, based on one from Simon Josefsson Here is my signed statement: - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512,SHA1 OpenPGP Key Transition Statement for Brian C. Lane I have created a new OpenPGP key and will be transitioning away from my old key. The old key has not been compromised and will continue to be valid for 30 days, but I prefer all future correspondence to be encrypted to the new key, and will be making signatures with the new key going forward.

Creating OpenStack images with livemedia-creator

I was going to write about using mock to make live iso's without using virt-install, but this week is the OpenStack Summit and one of the things you can use livemedia-creator (lmc) for is making disk images for use with OpenStack. If you followed the instructions in my previous post on creating live isos you already have everything you need except the kickstart and OpenStack. I'm not going to cover how to setup OpenStack, I used the instructions from the RDO project Quickstart without too much trouble.